**Always Remember 9/11**
Of course the one activity I do on 9/11 would be fly. Off to Idaho Falls and Rexburg today! The little plane was TINY! but i got there safely and that is all that matters. After arriving in Rexburg we went to go pick up Patsy (Sabrina's Car). As i hop in i try to start her and she wouldn't budge. A little worried i called Rebecca and Preston to come take a look. After over a half hour of trying to figure out the problem we decide to tow her back to Rebecca's house. Preston continues to work on the car with no luck. Little old lady just is getting old. After dinner i had a butt ton of homework to finish. Early to bed tonight! First day of class tomorrow bright and early!
Just curious... is the homework you're doing for an online course or preliminary work for the study abroad program?