Sunday, October 2, 2011

Greek for the day


Early morning!! We had to wake up at 4:30...let me day that again...4:30 this morning in order to be at the harbor by 6, for a 6:30 ferry departure to the island of Patmos. Patmos is actually a Greek island so we left Turkey for the afternoon and headed to Greece. Anyone who knows me well knows I don't exactly have my sea legs license and to top it off, it's a 4 1/2 hour ride from Kusadasi to way. The entire trip I spent laying inside the boat, closing my eyes, and listening to music hoping I wouldn't get sick. Lucky for me I didn't and after the long boat ride I saw how worth it the trip was. Patmos is STUNNING! Picture exactly what you think Greece will look like and you have Patmos. The water is a deep blue and all the houses are square and white surrounded by beautiful trees and mountains. Our first stop was the monastery of St. John.

After which we headed to the Holy Cave of the Apocalypse which is where we believe John went while he was banished to Patmos to pray and speak with the lord. This is also the location in which many believe he transcribed the book of revelations. It was very cool to see even the place in which they believed he knelt to pray.

Afterwards we ate lunch before hopping back on the ferry and heading back to Kusadasi for our last night there

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